We shall all take part in fullfilling the dream unfinished ... making sure that you are keept alive, onemanswetkind shall find her love!

terça-feira, maio 30, 2006

So long...

... since i came for you!

"...in the city life..."
"...you drive me crazy..."

sábado, maio 27, 2006

One Home Less

I send them to you! And seems like there is only three of them in the UK.
Well, if you tear enough, you water them...

"...at night i listen to the stars call for your name..."

Waste time...

... or time to waste? How can i possibly know? I do have time, i do enjoy to spend it... if it leads me to boredom, it is because i deserv it!

My time can became your time... your time will make my time... whose time? who is time?

Gone from love to sex... that is asap the time i need!

segunda-feira, maio 22, 2006

US kicked off

Though i must say: in this particular case, he was not the agressor...


me? What does it mean?!

Land one her

Since i remember...


Break time...

...by apple!

Thought i saw ana ther person.

BH8 8E8 flat 2



If i have the will...

...would not be the answer, could it? Kill Bill 'Till pill fill oill hill.

Things do may change!

I just call to say i love you...

I just call to say how much i care!

It must be the rain



Is it not strange that a city that predicts in the next years aOlimpic games still strugles on food issues?
It migh not be problem of starvation, but sure is on quality...



Do in' it

wiating can became a long way... by the door, on a chair or simply laying beside you. I'd so love a fight; on words i mean, saying verbly what fisicaly would be deirable... hold you close, passionatly on belive, truely centered on despair for pleasure!

fuck poetry and get on with it! take me as soon as possible... make my life worth living!


Do you know what it means?
:opertor, i need an exit!
:go to her and tell her you love her...
:were is she?
:f you! o i nee to tell u everithing? go and fin her!
:i did... she told me to walk...
:and o should you...
:were ever u fell like... chace her if you hav to. just remember, be polite!
:polite on the appetite?
:i'll remember u, "tu parte quete de la perfection"...

domingo, maio 21, 2006

The conditional...

Past one...

Present too...

Future tree...

Consequence of what is done!

The might of could!

Linguistics on the probability of possibilites.


Rainy Sunday

quarta-feira, maio 17, 2006

Pet me

bet me!
let me!
wet me!
get me!

terça-feira, maio 16, 2006


...hand, end, and... what ever pleases you and satisfy me, sugar!

- you have to ask... you have to ask! Have you already asked?

Can I help you?

Do you have your card?



One may have a way

And one other may tell him so!

New city lines are beeing defined. Going on the bus is no longer the question of getting a ticket and a destination. Seems that new art forms emerge to guide people acordig to their belifs. Walking the pathof beauty. Someo who cme first and wanted to tell others were to go... shall it be only the way or there will it be something else to find?

Been on that line so many times and always made myself that question... if by chance i find what they want to tell me, appat from giving me the cahnce for a patatos meal, i will tell you and make sure it is worth finding.

Sure there are others. Thought this one is particulrly interesting as it is only visible from the up stairs floor of the bus... something may then appear to city dwellers... some new form of comunication that connects people and gathers fellings according to new wills and forms of though.

"tell me who you are going with, and i shall tell you who you are"

London Room

A room can be much more than just a space were your belongings are and were you spleep.

___ . ___ . ___

Can be also a place to be robded...
I know i was!

Great Expectations

Some times it is just better to get the picture than spend words that are unnecessary. Go play and have a good time!

segunda-feira, maio 15, 2006

Two minutes to do what?

Time i have to try... is it possible ro read and reply an email? being able to

Probably to tight to do all that. But if you do not think... probaly!

sábado, maio 13, 2006


As Bishop moves to defendant position, question arrises as one should concern:
- Are we able to predict the consequences of a 3rd world war?

One may argue: US are able to garanty the safety for their fellow cityzens and also to the ones that stand by them, praying the foulish belif of safety for their children.

How can we arrange for in a near future having a president of the world?
(if he does not already exists...)

time's up

Do you remember the song?

Your voice down the stree

Turistic device from another day, becomes citzenn from today. An every day life seaching... doing what it takes to get to you.

Paradoxical thoughts may misslead beaviour and rise a smile from understanding.

"Fuck US in the S"

Saturday turist

Even though this was last saturday, it's like it will be today. Go outside and visit some place for the first time; do you still remember how it feels like, be there for the first time.

It resembles as if everithing is about the first time. If it is not, what is all about afterall. Having close the ones that set you free allways gives you the impression of youth. Never forgueting the ones that tought you freedom is the way to never lose it...

Should i post in which language?

As probably the ones who would understand me would say, just post what you think in the words spoken by the locals... we will always know were u are, as we know for what you stand!

thank you for knowing me so well!

Have you seen the virgin?

... a virgin toched by the very first time? This few words are only to let you know that a new beggining is beeing carried out...

... still you had never seen this before, so it's samehow like the first time!